Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Crystal Rainbows

Crystals hang in the middle of every window of my bungalow capturing rays from each angle of our sun as it travels across its seasonal path. Each prism of glass then creates a rainbow, and I love rainbows.
Shutting off the eight-minute snoozer after my IPhone had made its alarming wake-up call this morning, I tried to focus. I have a new plan these days: waking up earlier so I can write morning musings and hopefully fall asleep before midnight.
My effort today was rewarded with a singular eight-inch display of red through violet appearing on my ceiling. I also learned a couple of new things and reinforced an older awareness.
This pencil strip of bright colors glimmered into a fuller slit of light. Nothing breathed in my bedroom as it glowed brighter and brighter. No air seeped around the window frame to disturb the teardrop crystal making it appear to disco dance. What sound I remember now came from the ringing in my ears. I slowed my breath in respect. In the span of seconds, the strip of rainbow lengthened, then moved such a small increment, I didn’t realize it had shifted a hair breath of a pinch of an inch. On either side, two smaller but identical arrays of color became defined.
I watched all three as they faded. With a deep breath, I released gratitude for the spectacle then bumped into a twinge of grief over the loss of this beaming glory.
Thinking about changing my horizontal position to vertical, I noticed a smudge of light to the NW where the rainbow line had been. The memory of this telescopic stretch of light starting with red and moving through its progression of hues made me realize I had never thought about how the leading color is always red. (“Is it really? Always?” I asked myself. “Well, this morning it was,” I answered. “We’ll have to pay more attention every time we see one,” I promised.) If that’s a truth, I thought, how cool is that lesson? Red, the color of fire and the first chakra where we hold the spark of our basic being. The place where we nurture our essence and are called upon to embrace the phrase, “I AM”. Chills crept up my spine and covered my scalp. “A lesson from the Universe,” I thought, “to remember my current challenges: seating myself in my own fire and not let another’s goals or ideas buffet my internal flame.”
The smudge of light brightened, expanded until a grander stripe of rainbow spreading deeper and wider across the pale ceiling. Had I gone into my day, I would have missed an even bigger sight. This one became grander than the first. I heard the words, “Wait for it! Wait for it!” and I did, until the largest expanse of distinctive segments of graduated color emblazoned itself overhead. Like a validation of my thoughts regarding the acceptance and nurturing of self and the passion of being in my life. Letting that passion and self-acceptance lead the way to where next I am headed. Like a promise that says, “There’s more, oh, so much more if you do your work, hang in here, and wait for the culmination of it all.”
Phenomena observed. Point taken. Lesson acknowledged.