Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Other Side

Green leaves of a manzanita bush caught the twinkle of the sun’s last rays as it slid down the other side of the coastal mountains. I hurried to bask my face in the evening glow and say “Good by” to the bright sliver. I felt dizzy when I realized the sun wasn’t slipping away. I was standing on this Earth while it rotates away from the sun. My imagination increased the rotation to a state of careening and spinning. I fell backward at the thought.

When the mountains stood in silhouette against the fading blue sky, I turned away, closed my eyes, and saw a replica of the light and shadow, the design of the sunlight on top and the dark mountains below. When I opened my eyes, it reversed, just for a second. The top was shaded and the bottom was light, until my eyes adjusted, and I was able to see normally again.

Blinking and thinking, I remembered being told about this opposite experience. In the millisecond that I saw the shadow on top and the light on the bottom, I was glimpsing the spirit world. That place which is trying to keep the balance with the world in which we walk. I’ve been told that in that space, inhaling becomes coughing. Reaching is tossing backwards. Everything is a mirror opposite, even emotions and intentions. When we laugh, the spirits cry. When we anger, the spirits become calm. This world is constructed to balance our own.

If this is true, they have a challenging job. They have to make allowances and adjustments for our technologically spinning world. How do they do it? Walk so slowly they never get to where they want to go? While we speed toward our destinations? Wherever that is?

What do they do to counteract greed, anger, jealousy, fear? Do they give their belongings away, remain peaceful, nonjudgmental, and stay positive. Well, that does sound like what a spirit being might do.
But what about wars and disease? Could they negotiate instead of fight, share instead of steal? Perhaps they know how to stay in harmony with themselves so they can stay well.

If any of this is so, they must be working overtime to keep our world on track.

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