Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blessed Messengers

     Last Winter Solstice a Reiki student gifted me with “The Soul Trees”. These are classified as Oracle cards. Some part of me believes in the idea that all the statements on these eighty cards with accompanying drawings of eighty different trees are general enough to apply to any situation. Another little voice calls me to pay attention and look at what they might be telling me.

     Are they truly connections to a universal presence who will guide me? Or will I place my special internal value on whatever comes up and interpret the words to mean what some inner knowing wants me to know?

     I have no answers, only observations. And what I am observing is the direct hits I get every time I ask a question.

     Sometimes a card repeats exactly what issue I’ve been working on. I needed to speak my truth in a situation that was going to be tricky for anyone to hear. That exact phrase, SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, was on the card that flew out of the pack while I was shuffling. Another time I was asking myself what would happen if I stepped out of a certain responsibility that I was carrying for an organization of people. POSSIBILITIES dropped to the floor.

     Today I was struggling with the question of how to gracefully age. After shuffling for about five minutes, JUST BE emerged as an answer.

     Can’t be any clearer than that.

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